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Welcome to Theta Omega
at New Mexico State University

Welcome to the Theta Omega chapter of Alpha Xi Delta at New Mexico State University!

Many women in college search for something bigger than themselves that they can be a part of; a home away from home. For many, Alpha Xi Delta is that place. One can find sisters, build leadership skills, give back to one's community or philanthropy through service, and grow as a student. Being a part of Alpha Xi Delta provides these opportunities and helps women realize their true potential.

The women of Theta Omega strive to better ourselves every day; our members are actively involved on campus and participate in outside activities, clubs, and organizations. We push each other to become leaders within our own organization, other organizations on campus, and the community. Our sisterhood is special because the women of our chapter are driven, genuine, and supportive. There is always a sister to lean on in the good times and bad times. Our friendships extend outside of our chapter as well! We coordinate and participate in events with other organizations such as philanthropy events, homecoming parade, community service opportunities, and formals.

Throughout the decades, Alpha Xi Delta has been an experience that many women have found to be rewarding and fulfilling. The sisters of the Theta Omega chapter invite you to take a look into our sisterhood and find out what being an Alpha Xi Delta is all about!